Azja Inwazja

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Feel like in Asia / Czuć się jak w Azji #10 - Teriyaki sushi (POZ)

By  Duncan     17:25    標籤:,, 
Feel like in Asia / Czuć się jak w Azji #10 - Teriyaki sushi (POZ)

teriyaki sushi, koreańska restauracja, korean restaurant, poznań

The other day I met a Korean guy, and then I asked him about Korean food in Poznań, so here we are!

Let's take a look at the design and decorations... bamboo!

Menu for people who are waiting in line...

This is something rare in Poland but often seen in Asia - simulated food order for customers to see how the dishes look like...and, make them hungry? XD

Design is quite nice in my opinion...

teriyaki sushi, koreańska restauracja, korean restaurant, poznań

And they have certificate 100 Polska!

Their sushi bar...

teriyaki sushi, koreańska restauracja, korean restaurant, poznań

Their menus are  with nice vivid pictures and also there are many choices...unfortunately price is not that beautiful...

First, side dishes, four different kinds: salad, kimchi, marinated sprouts and potato.

For me kimchi was super hot...

I asked my Korean friend to order something very he orderd Korean stew beef...

teriyaki sushi, koreańska restauracja, korean restaurant, poznań

And...was super hot too...( i have very low tolerance, I know I'm wierd Asian! XD )

teriyaki sushi, koreańska restauracja, korean restaurant, poznań

The other friend ordered salmon tatar...looks nice!

Teriyaki sushi - it's like a Japanese and Korean mixed restaurant, if you want to try something different you can always drop by!

teriyaki sushi, koreańska restauracja, korean restaurant, poznań

Teriyaki sushi

ul. Żydowska 6, Poznań

About Duncan

hej, jestem Duncan, mieszkam w Polsce, lubię jeść i gotować. Chciałbym prezentować i promować Azjatycką kulturę. Zapraszam do śledzenia mojego bloga, będzie mi miło jak zostawisz komentarz.

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