Azja Inwazja

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Ramen in Poland #1 - Ramen girl (WAW)-(closed)

By  Duncan     13:15    標籤:,, 
Ramen in Poland #1 - Ramen girl (WAW)

ramen girl, ramen, ramen inwazja, ramen in poland

After my ramen inwazja post (PL, ENG), I had an idea to check out ramen in Poland.
"Ramen girl" sounds interesting, and I heard that the owner was in master chef program, which dragged me here...

I would have to say it really took me a while to find out this place for "ramen". I passed by few times but I couldn't notice any traces of ramen...when I just about to give up, I took a close look and eventually I found "Ramen girl of yellow dog" on the door.

First impression was like a fancy European restaurant and there were no one on the ground floor...

So I followed the stair down to the!

They have very equipped kitchen and many cooks...

The place looks very nice for a date or to sit down for a glass of wine, however, it made me even more curious about the ramen...

They have 5 types of ramen, I chose złoty and a starter.

The starter was beef with Asian taste, even though personally I wouldn't put something sweet (peanut butter I guess?) with good beef, the taste was interesting though.

Here's the ramen I ordered, kind of surprising to me because I didn't feel like eating ramen. It was more like European fusion "tang mian" (zupa z makaronem). Taste was new for me, and they didn't mention on menu that there supposed to be chilli (Asians must love spicy food? lol).

ramen girl, ramen, ramen inwazja, ramen in poland

Maybe my expectation was too high. I just wanted to sit down in a cosy place to enjoy a normal priced traditional ramen. As ramen is just getting popular in Poland, I believe that there will be more and more different and interesting inventions of ramen. Check it out, I might come back for other ramen again!

Ramen girl (WAW)

About Duncan

hej, jestem Duncan, mieszkam w Polsce, lubię jeść i gotować. Chciałbym prezentować i promować Azjatycką kulturę. Zapraszam do śledzenia mojego bloga, będzie mi miło jak zostawisz komentarz.

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