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Asian shops #2 / Feel like in Asia #15 - Asia tasty (WAW)

By  Duncan     12:13    標籤:,,, 
Asian shops #2 / Feel like in Asia #15 - Asia tasty (WAW)
Asian shops, Azjatyckie sklepy, Asia tasty

Even though my recipes in Polish from Duncan's Home Kitchen are written mostly from local ingredients and materials, still many of the products I prefer to use are either hard to find, expensive, or not be able to get in Poland. 

I used to purchase my stuffs from Berlin, but recently in Poznań there is a new Asian shop - Honyu, it gives Asian food lovers also different choices.

Instead of going to Berlin, almost every time I go to Warsaw, I visit Asia tasty. Good communication and enough products for daily use, prices are also fair enough.

First you have to find Hala Mirowska, which is a trade centre.

And then you go from the left side all the way to the end and you can see first Asia tasty restaurant. The shop is behind it near the corner.

Asian shops, Azjatyckie sklepy, Asia tasty

Due to the fact that I don't live in Warsaw yet, I usually buy Thai basils for my "Sanbei chicken" (recipe1, 2), sometimes tofu and some oriental vegetables.

About the sauces and spices, they also have basic choices...

Some snacks and noodles... and behind the shop is connected to the restaurant, after shopping I just decided to eat some Vietnamese food there.


I ordered a small portion of pho and spring roll, surprisingly cheap...

The boss is Vietnamese and speaks Polish fluently, he had lived in Warsaw more than 15 years! If I would live in Warsaw probably I'll go there often...Anyways, Asian restaurant with shop is a good idea!

Asia tasty

Plac Żelaznej Bramy 1, Warszawa

About Duncan

hej, jestem Duncan, mieszkam w Polsce, lubię jeść i gotować. Chciałbym prezentować i promować Azjatycką kulturę. Zapraszam do śledzenia mojego bloga, będzie mi miło jak zostawisz komentarz.

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