Azja Inwazja

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Ramen in Poland #3 - Ramen day (Uki Uki)

By  Duncan     15:56    標籤:,,,,, 
 Ramen day (Uki Uki)
tonkotsu ramen, uki uki, Japanese restaurant, japońska restauracja, ramen day

One of my favourite Japanese dishes - Ramen, if you haven't had chance to read about it you can check my earlier posts: link EN, link PL. Except in some restaurants, you can also taste ramen from time to time in Japanese udon restaurant in Warsaw Uki Uki (link). The event is hold irregularly in a certain period of a day and it's called Uki Uki Ramen day on fb: 

First you get a small card with a number and you need to wait until the places are free.

Usually the restaurant is very busy and normally you have to wait in a queue.

Waiting is worth for it, when I was there they served only basic tonkotsu (pork based) ramen, in Poland you don't eat very often this quality ramen. If you are interested or just curious how it tastes, go for a try!

tonkotsu ramen, uki uki, Japanese restaurant, japońska restauracja, ramen day

Uki Uki:


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hej, jestem Duncan, mieszkam w Polsce, lubię jeść i gotować. Chciałbym prezentować i promować Azjatycką kulturę. Zapraszam do śledzenia mojego bloga, będzie mi miło jak zostawisz komentarz.

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